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2 Teachers, 1 Mission

We are Mitchell and Allison; two small town kids who grew up to teach high school in the community that raised us. Mitchell, an English/Journalism teacher, and Allison, Broadcast Media; we do what we love and inevitably, it is all for the kids. Paychecks may be slacking, morale depleting, and the outlook daunting at times... but, at the end of the day, it’s all about the experience these kids have in our classes.

With the resources allowed to us, we make for the best experience possible for our kids. Life is about thinking outside of the box and getting out into the world and experiencing it first hand. However, sometimes getting out there can be costly, so we have paired up to spread a message and sell some shirts to inspire not only our kids, but each and every one of you to live life to the fullest and get out and travel.

Allison and I created the brand as a vehicle to promote the idea of eliminating some of the electronic dependency that we so often allow to prevent us from getting out and enjoying this beautiful world that we inhabit. There is so much to be discovered when you “get out and travel”.

This world holds a trove of priceless experiences that can be found when you stop to take a look around. So, stay tuned as we take this adventure of life with each and every one of you.

Ever since we've created this project, we have been striving to provide a good that will quickly gain a loyal following. To see what we’ve been up to, browse our site, learn about our passions, and explore what excites and interests you as well.

​We believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart for adventure. All of these elements brought us to start Get Out And Travel.

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Mitchell & Allison
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